Sunday 1 February 2009

Christmas in Tokyo

We had a great time in Tokyo. We arrived just in time to visit the Imperial Palace and celebrate the Emperor's birthday.

The Emperor giving his birthday speech accompanied by the royal family.

Izzie with the flag that the Japanese Boy Scouts gave her at the palace entrance.

We may not be royal but we're a happy family.

Papa Ricky, Maddie and Jack heading for Ginza.

Maddie, Jack and Luke at Ginza to do a little shopping.

Grammy Bammy and Papa Ricky took us to all the fun playgrounds.

We spent Christmas Eve at Tokyo Disneyland. We got home just in time to eat dinner, read Luke 2, and make cookies for Santa.

Tokyo Disneyland

Maddie's Favorite - Minnie's house.

Maddie made herself right at home in Minnie's chair.

It's a Small World

Izzie at the playground next to Goofy's house.


Izzie's Favorite - Mickey's House

Santa's Cookies

We tucked Maddie in for the night, and when we came back to check on her, this is what we found. She must have put on the reindeer hat on before she fell asleep. We quickly took the picture and ran out. We were laughing so hard that we didn't want to wake her up!

Izzie in Japanese fashion with her Japanese talking mobile phone on Christmas morning.

Maddie in Fancy Nancy/Japanese fashion.

After opening presents, we headed out to visit the Senso-ji temple.

The day after Christmas, Luke, Ally and Izzie headed to Kyoto and Nara on the bullet train while Maddie stayed behind to entertain Grammy Bammy, Papa Ricky, and Aunt Krissy.

The Golden Pavilion

Izzie walking around the grounds at the Golden Pavilion.

The Zen Garden at Daitoku-ji Temple

Izzie and Luke with Buddah.

Izzie and Luke overlooking Kyoto from Daigo-ji Temple.

Kiyomizu-dera Temple

Gion - We saw five geishas going to work.

While we were out seeing the sights, Maddie was going to the playground and eating at Wendy's.

Ally and Kristina at Harajuku.

The girls only get McDonalds in London so going to Wendy's in Tokyo was their favorite outing.

Izzie just likes fries.

Maddie is all about the burgers and fries.

One day, Grammy Bammy stayed home with the little kids. Papa Ricky took the big kids to Kamakura.

Ally should have practiced using chopsticks before the trip. Papa Ricky had to feed her a snack.

Luke, Ally and Kristina with Daibutsu, the Great Buddah.

Luke and Ally with a little but very cheerful Buddah.

Papa Ricky and Grammy Bammy took Maddie to see Hachiko, a statue of a loyal dog who waited for his master every night for more than a decade after his death. Grammy Bammy has a storybook about the dog and Papa Ricky read it to her before the outing.

Thanks for a great holiday, Papa Ricky and Grammy Bammy! We had an amazing time. Come visit us soon!


Kim said...

Maddie, What a wonderful way to grow up experiencing all these different cultures (and Wendys or McDonalds in foreign places).

Izzie, I like the striped hat.

Anonymous said...

I had fun with all of you, too...and its about time that you got some of the pics up on the blog...I hope all is well in London, I miss you all! Happy Sunday!

Vanalee said...

Wish you were all here right this very minute. I miss you all. I think of Luke everytime I see a puffy coat!

Ruth said...

thanks for all the pictures it reminded us of all the fun times we had there too--miss y'all