Monday 14 February 2011

Castle Steps

Last night, Maddie told the story of Samuel the Lamanite for Family Home Evening. When we asked Izzie what was going on in the picture, she said the men were climbing up the steps to the top of Jesus' castle. Interesting idea, eh?


lramey said...

i've been bad at leaving comments, but I love your blogging!!! I miss you guys. One visit wasn't enough for me!!!! hope we can come visit! give your gooey delicious girls kisses!!!

Anonymous said...

Well, seeing as it was Valentine's Day, Izzie was thinking about more fantasy-like tales, I suppose. Your girls are getting so grown-up. Don't let them get too big before I get to see them again...which, when will that be?! I know Texas might not be as tempting as Boston would have been...but I would still love to see you all!!!